Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Yes, she is now 15-can you believe it?  Love, prayers & blessings to you my firstborn-you are a gift from God!

Maddy Initiated into the Hogrefe Hawkeyes!

Into the tree you go! She is thrown in by fellow alumni of the "Pine Experience"!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hogrefe Hawkeyes!!

Change of venue this year...but the traditions and spirit remains!  This is a pic of the annual pre-game game of the Hogrefes vs. the Outlaws!  They are tied at the half!  Time to eat!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Homemade Feed Trailer!!

Max has always wanted a feed trailer to be like his daddy; but they are way too expensive! He has seen them at the fair and at Threshermans and has really begged for one!  Tonight Chad converted Max's dairy trailer to a feed trailer by adding an auger using straws, super glue, and tape!  Max is so excited to haul his own feed!  He's already hauled several "loads".  :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Birthday party girls!!

Andrea, Mallory & Maddy did a combo Nov. & Dec. Birthday party!  The food rocked and so did the company!  Thanks everyone!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Farmin' Cousins!

Two Kids!

Max and Esther have been enjoying being together while her parents are at the Hidden Acres retreat!  So sweet!

Homecoming week!

Abby from NCIS (without the tatoos)!  Something sure looks hinky!  Where's Gibbs? Ducky? Proby (McGee)? DeNozo? Kate? Ziva? This probably is about as goth as Mallory will ever get...  Ah, the fun of homecoming week begins!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Country Cousins!

Max & Ela at Threshermans!  They just love to be together and he is thrilled that she moved back to Iowa!

Monday, August 23, 2010

1st Day of School!

Well, Mallory starts High School, Maddy starts Junior High, and Makayla begins the 5th grade! Max and I just brought them to the bus-next year he starts too! Pray for them!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Maddy at NWC basketball camp!

Picked up Maddy today from my alma mater-Northwestern College.  Ah the memories!  She had a great time, but is exhausted!  Their team finished 2nd!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tornado destroyed one of our hog buildings!

Thankfully no one is hurt and only a few hogs!  We have some great friends helping us load the pigs and clean up!  Praise God!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

My boys and I are enjoying an evening in Des Moines.  We dropped off Maddy and Makayla at camp (Mal will join them later in the week) and are excited to enjoy time together and to finally see the "Star Wars Symphony" tomorrow.  Chad and Max are also going to visit Jason & Lindzy at their new home!  It is sure fun to get away and relax and spend time with loved ones!  Oh, and by the way, they messed up our hotel reservation and are giving us a FREE STAY!  It's a good day!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mom & Dad's 40th!

Mallory is wearing the bridesmaid dress and Maddy is wearing mom's wedding dress!  Thank You Mom & Dad for honoring your marriage vows!  We love you!

Round 1 goes to the bugs!

Packer & Maddy

Notice his tooth!

Chad in Haiti!

Praise God for the work being done in Haiti!  Chad would love to share with you how it touched his heart...

Ever wanted to stop time?

So precious...  he loved Toy Story 3!

Pee Wee & Little League Seasons are over!

Maddy is no longer officially a "Hurricane"!  Rebels here we come...  And Makayla has now graduated to "Little League"!  Grandpa Denny has also pitched his last Pee Wee pitch...but then again...Max will start soon!  :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Maddy's (and Kara's) 6th Grade Graduation!

Tonight was Maddy's AC-T graduation!  She is pictured with her BFF Kara.  It was a night where the tears flowed as usual - Mrs. Wenell started it with her touching speech about this class!  Maddy also gave a great speech, and gathered many awards for academics, TAG and Honor Choir; but I think she was most proud of her PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARD!  She always brags about her "superior immunity" to the rest of us....  She is usually the last one in the family to get sick if she ever does!  :)  Seriously, I was and am very proud of her - I will miss her being with me at AC-T, but I know Mallory will enjoy having her at Sioux-Central and will keep watch over her.  She is already known as Mallory's "Little" (not really) Sis!  Tomorrow is the last day of school!  Looking forward to spending a weekend with my family visiting my sister!  Then on to the BUSY month of June with multiple Softball games and Driver's Ed almost every day!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Family photo

Maddy needed a family photo for a project, so here it is!  We need to do a better one sometime when Max is in a better mood...  :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Check out Mal's reaction on her face when she heard the news that they won the 1st Alta track meet! Her last meet is on Monday and she has enjoyed running 400s, 200s, and 100s. Go Rebels!

History Day-Mallory

Mallory's group from History Day-they made it to the finals, but not to Nationals. They received a special award also for their agriculture theme also. Congrats!

Ready for Thresherman's!

Max picked out this cowboy hat with his birthday money-goes with his new boots and belt too!

Max is 4!

Max enjoyed his birthday party and all his gifts!  But I think he liked playing with cousin Esther and his new RED wagon the best!