Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Bjork Olympic Medal Ceremony!

Mallory and Maddy made it to state with their History Day Projects!! Maddy also won her basketball tourney today too (her other medal) and Mallory participated in Jr. High Honor Band tonight at BVU! What a day! We are all happy and exhausted!! State is May 3rd in Des Moines! So excited-they did great!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

It is beginning...

Well, we've hit a milestone-Mal is taking her driving permit test right now... I'm sitting in the lobby of the BVC Courthouse right now-it makes me a little reminiscent as I used to work here and when I left this job, I was pregnant with Mal! After this, we are going to get her first checking account! Time is flying! In four years we will be preparing for college! Pray for her during these critical years! Will keep you updated on the results of the all important Driver's Permit test! She's not all that crazy about driving yet-especially during the winter we are experiencing! But, due to our many snow days, make-up days are cutting into the Driver's Ed days-they may start some class days early. Those alums of the Roger Henningsen School of Driving can fondly reminisce about their own Driver's Ed experience! Many memories were made during that course!

Well, as I'm waiting and praying for Mal to finish, might as well continue to blog (love my Blackberry!) since I'm behind...

Held Packer last night! So precious! God is so good! It will be a joy to watch him grow up!

Other upcoming events include Invention Convention for Kayla and History Day for both Mal and Maddy. Kayla has been working on a tool invention designed to help people like her dad-the event is March 13th. She is so excited! She has also been practicing piano non-stop! She just loves it! Maddy and her other 6th grade TAG members are working on a Group Performance based on Ed Sundholm and Superior Manufacturing-the research has been very interesting! Mal, Gloria, and Brad are working on a Documentary about Thieman tractors-also an Albert City based research project. It is their third year making a documentary and are enjoying the research process as well. AC-T is hosting the event and we are excited to do so!

Well, still waiting for Mal... She and Maddy leave for Winter Blast today-again many fond memories! They are privileged to attend the event at Hidden Acres. I believe that when I went, it was either at Twin Lakes (the toboggan slide rocked!) or hotels like Holiday Inn at Ames or Embassy Suites in Des Moines (or maybe that was just when we were sponsors).

Well, she missed 1 more than was allowed... She is sad. We'll try again soon! Til next time!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I have a nephew! Update of the last two snowy months!

Well, the most exciting thing is that I now have a healthy nephew, Packer Dennis Hogrefe! He made his appearance on Sunday, February 7th (my brother is two for two on having Sunday babies - he's a Pastor!). We hope to see him tonight for the first time. Max is so excited to have a boy cousin as he was a loner until Packer came along... Someone to teach all the "boy" things to. From photos, they look alike too! Congrats to Clint & Greta & Esther!

A brief summary of the occurrences since my last posting... SNOW!! :) We now have NINE snow days to make-up! They are still deciding officially how we will do that - they've already taken some days away between now and the end of the year. So, we are up to June 7th for kids now and June 8th for teachers! Crazy! Don't get me wrong... I love snow days! The kids have had some really great times together at home and we've been able to catch up on a lot of projects. Of course, I'm always behind with something, but it helps to have extra time - it is a gift! Many a Little House on the Prairie episodes have been watched the last month and a half (since Chad received the series for Christmas - "It's your best present to me ever!"). The snow has been a nightmare for Chad and the trucking business - dozens of incidents of being stuck, wrecker bills, and stressful driving! He can't wait for spring! I'm afraid we still have potential for more of all of the above - including SNOW DAYS! I've never seen so much snow! Max loves to move snow with his dad and Grandpa - he gets his workin' clothes on and takes it very seriously! He loves to shovel snow too!
Well, the basketball season is over for Mallory - they had a fun winning season! She has definitely improved over the season - she learned how to be tougher and to hold her ground and not fall on her knees so much! She usually scored a few points each game too. Maddy enjoyed her league as well - she may have one more tourney if it works out. She definitely has a height advantage as her age and is learning to use it to her advantage. She scored well too. Just has to work on those free throws!! :)
Well, it is time to go... hopefully I'll be blogging again soon! Thanks for reading! Tax prep weekend... appt. on Monday... I'll be so glad with this is over! Maybe my husband will sweep me away the following weekend - a break from the real world! ;)