Monday, August 20, 2012

Sister moved back home!!

My sister, (shown here with Daughtry) has moved back home to a cute little house and is working at AC-T.  We love getting able to see her more and are happy to have her more a part of our daily lives!!  The kids are thrilled!!  Thank you sis for all you are!!  We love you!!

20th Anniversary!!

It is amazing to think that 20 years ago I married my best friend!  God wrote our love story and has continued to author our journey through many blessings and struggles.  He continues to mold us and enrich our marriage; we are so thankful for His guidance as well as the excellent examples we have around us to model our marriage after.  To my husband... love you always & forever... thanks for the commitment you have made to me and our family!  So excited to see what the next 20 years will bring!

1st Day of School!!

Well... here we go again!!  Mallory is now a Junior, Madelyn is a Freshman (they even have some classes together!), Makayla is a 7th grader (1st year at SC), and Max is in Kindergarten at AC-T.  Pray for them!


Max loved the Thresherman show again this year and loved being able to have a chance to thresh!  He is helping Brady here in this photo...  he worked hard - just ask him!!

Vacation in Pagosa Springs!

We had an incredible vacation this year at Pagosa Springs, CO!  We went with my parents and enjoyed the majesty of God's creation!  Relaxing, horseback riding, four-wheeling, swimming, shopping, eating and Olympics watching filled our days...  wish we could go back!!  Thanks mom & dad!!

End of an Era...

My father and I have enjoyed coaching the three girls from Tee Ball all the way through Little League.  Many fun years and memories of winning and losing in all kinds of weather, with some great players and their supportive parents.  A few tournament championships and many lessons learned along the way...  Thank you dad for investing your life in my daughters and their teammates; to help them to love softball and to learn life lessons from the game.  I know my girls all have memories of getting to 3rd base and listening to advice from you on how to get home safely.  I hope they always continue to listen to guidance from Grandpa Denny (aka Father Hogue)!  With all the girls moving up to Rebel Softball, Max is our last little Hurricane!  He loved playing for the first time this year!