Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Less than 10 days till Christmas!

Since the last time...

Mal & Maddy both had fun playing in their tourneys on Saturday - had some great moments and some learning experiences! Mal is finding her groove with some great attacks to the basket and really hustling after rebounds and steals. She was high scorer last night against Newell-Fonda (she had half of their points - 3 of the 6!) Not quite something to brag about... :( Maddy scored a lot of points in her first tourney - her height is quite an advantage as well as being left-handed! She was quite tired after that day! The Christmas program was wonderful - Maddy had a solo part and sang beautifully. Makayla and Mallory also read and sang well. Went to a surprise 39th birthday/congrats on being elected Mayor party for Chris on Sat. night - he was quite surprised! Stephanie got him early! AC-T held a retirement party for Dr. Lode yesterday - it was funny and special. He will be missed by us all. Happy retirement and Go Hawks, Dr. Lode! We have another game tomorrow at Alta, concert in the pm at S-C and our first Christmas on Saturday at the Bjorks! I'm really trying to be ready for all the Christmases, but I'm not quite there yet... Don't worry, a few late nights and some last minute runs to SL will probably fix my problem! I am looking very forward to spending time with family and slowing down the pace for a few days! Hopefully Chad will be able to soon - he's been working like a maniac since the DFS fire - we all could use some time with him! Well, till next time... -J

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!


Quick update...

Mallory won her game on Monday - yeah! Tuesday there was an early out due to the snowstorm, and unfortunately Clint & I weren't able to travel to Omaha to go see "Star Wars" with Andrea. Wednesday was stay home official "snow day"! We decorated the house like crazy for Christmas, wrapped gifts and cleaned our garage! Now we can fit two vehicles again! It felt good to accomplish a lot with our gifted time of a snow day! Today was late start and back to school as usual. We have our AC-T Christmas party tonight - should be yummy! Chad is scrambling to make up for the lost day due to the snow; and DFS also suffered damage in a fire, so that compounds to his stress! The weekend ahead is full of Christmas program practice/and the program on Sunday pm. Mallory & Maddy both have tourneys on Saturday as well. It's definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Oh, and by the way did I mention that I've given up Caffeiene? Ever since Dec. 1st I've only had trace amounts! Yeah! The first step in getting more healthy! Til next time... -J

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hawkeyes on to Orange Bowl!

Here's a photo of the Hogrefe Hawks - what a great day!  A beautiful November day!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday at the Bjork House

Well, as a recap...
Saturday the tournament was cancelled, so Mallory & Chad spent the day working on our church's new skating rink - a cold job! It will be pretty cool for kids and adults to be able to utilize it and to spend time together fellowshipping as well as for outreach. Maddy really enjoyed basketball practice again - they are participating in a 3 on 3 tourney next Saturday (Mallory has a tourney too - and so it begins...). Enjoyed a date with my husband Sat. night at our favorite restaurant - Boz Wells! Disappointed that we couldn't have our favorite dessert, (double coconut cream pie) but life goes on! Sunday we attended worship services and Sunday School and then enjoyed a traditional big Sunday Dinner that the girls and I made. I always treasure these meals as some weeks it is the only meal we have together as a family. Then it was naps for all and then Chad & I attended HBF at the Archers. All and all a pretty great weekend! Wondering how the snow will develop as this week is a busy one! I think there is something every night as well as appointments and/or work each day! Crazy! And of course, the usual invoicing, payroll, and bills to pay as well as the paperwork that accompanies all of that! But, I am thankful that I have two days each week to help devote to this. It still seems that I end up staying up late to get work done - it is the most quiet and no one needs me at this hour! :) Well, no promises of a daily entry, but will try to keep some sort of schedule or routine! I'm definitely not used to being open with my thoughts, but am trying to not be quite so isolated in my own world. Favorite verse of the day: Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on the things that are on earth. Something I need to keep at the forefront of my brain amidst the chaos! Back to work!

Friday, December 4, 2009


My handsome husband in front of the Iowa Hawkeye Semi in front of Kinnick Stadium! Go Hawks!

It's a Friday... Hallelujah!

Well, supposed to start blogging as part of the assignment from the class I'm taking. I always hated "journaling" in High School English class, but I'll give it a try...

It's been a typical Friday so far, the Internet has gone down temporarily and I've had to fix that (these problems usually occur on Fridays - right around 3:20 (time to go home!)). It was Cinnamon Roll day however, that is always a highlight of the week in my family. (We Love you Cyndie!) Planning on seeing "The Blind Side" again tonight so my oldest daughter can see it with her girlfriend. It is a great movie - highly recommend! She also has a basketball tournament tomorrow that I'll spend the day at. Maddy also has basketball practice tomorrow - she loves it! My husband's parents are blessed to celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday - that is quite a milestone in this era! Congrats to them! That should be a good enough "journal entry" for today...

Enjoy the day as if it were your last! God Bless!