Thursday, December 10, 2009


Quick update...

Mallory won her game on Monday - yeah! Tuesday there was an early out due to the snowstorm, and unfortunately Clint & I weren't able to travel to Omaha to go see "Star Wars" with Andrea. Wednesday was stay home official "snow day"! We decorated the house like crazy for Christmas, wrapped gifts and cleaned our garage! Now we can fit two vehicles again! It felt good to accomplish a lot with our gifted time of a snow day! Today was late start and back to school as usual. We have our AC-T Christmas party tonight - should be yummy! Chad is scrambling to make up for the lost day due to the snow; and DFS also suffered damage in a fire, so that compounds to his stress! The weekend ahead is full of Christmas program practice/and the program on Sunday pm. Mallory & Maddy both have tourneys on Saturday as well. It's definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Oh, and by the way did I mention that I've given up Caffeiene? Ever since Dec. 1st I've only had trace amounts! Yeah! The first step in getting more healthy! Til next time... -J

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