Thursday, April 17, 2014

Soccer Season and New Puppy!

Max decided to try soccer this year and so far he is enjoying it!  He also loves spending time with his friends and that the team's color is ORANGE!  :)  So, Saturday mornings from last week until May 17th will be spent at Pocahontas watching soccer...  Does that officially make me a "Soccer Mom"?  ;)

Our beloved dog, Jasper, disappeared last December and I've missed my barking alerts when someone drives up as well as his loyalty and happy frolicking around our farm.  We decided to wait until spring to get another dog, so we added Riot to our family in late March.  He is half black lab and half golden retriever - and we love his disposition so far - very cute and fun!  The kids haven't had a puppy for many years - they are enjoying the experience! 

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