Saturday, March 17, 2012

On to State History Day!!

Makayla & Carter Beckman presented their documentary on Carrie Chapman Catt for the District History Day at Okoboji and advanced to State!  Shera Smith & Gabby Long (also in the group) were unable to attend the competition.  Congrats on all your hard work!!  We are proud of you!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hidden Acres Fun!

We had our annual All-Church Retreat a few weeks ago and the kids loved spending time there with their friends!  We were richly blessed to hear Frank and Marie Drown speak again on their experiences serving as missionaries in Equador.  God bless them!

Family Photo

We had our family photos taken for the first time last year by Susan Oehlertz Photography.  She did an amazing job!

Chad & Tim driving race cars at the DFS Christmas Party!

They loved trying to win and racing with the RC cars-fun night!

Max's first Hogrefe gag gift!

Max loved to ride with cousin Tony during harvest and he  especially loved to eat his beef jerky!!  Tony better stock up for the next harvest; Max is a growing boy!

Winter Concerts

Jazz Band, Show Choir, Concert Band, Women's Choir, Pep Band, Choir, Singing the National Anthem for Home Sports Events and the list goes on for Mallory and Maddy

Max's football future??

Max says that he doesn't want to play football because he doesn't want to get hurt and he doesn't like the pants they wear... we'll see what his future holds


The basketball season was fun for all the girls this year and Max loved trying to work on his skills whenever he had the opportunity! Notice the tongue (a la Uncle Clint) sticking out while he shoots a basket!

Madelyn is 14!!

Well, my darling little Maddy also turned 14 recently! Unfortunately for her, she had the flu on her actual birthday and we didn't take the usual birthday photos per her request! :) She has recently started driving since passing her permit test also! Keep her in your prayers! She is becoming such a beautiful daughter from the inside out that is letting her light shine to those around her. Her enthusiasm is contagious and she brings so much laughter to our family! What a joy watching her develop into such a lady - I've always said that she's a miracle and that it will be exciting to see what God has planned! We love you Linny!

Christmas 2011 Part 3

Christmas 2011 Part 2

Christmas 2011 Part 1

I'm a bit behind I know... but for continuity sake, I needed some of my digital photos stuck on my memory card to have some new life and to share them with family & friends. So I will attempt to catch up a bit from the past few months! Christmas 2011 school concerts and family gatherings were memorable and traditional as always... enjoy a sneak peek into these events!

Cast of the Middle School Play

Friday, March 9, 2012

Maddy's Middle School Play

Maddy & the rest of the "Goldilocks on Trial" cast and crew shined in their debut last night!  I always knew Maddy was dramatic, but now she is using her talents for good!  ;)  She has found her niche I believe!  They are performing again tonight; I will add a photo later.  Congrats & Good Luck Maddy!!  We are proud of & love you!