Tuesday, August 26, 2014

School, College, and Retirement!

On the first day of school, Maddy had drill team at 6:00, so she wasn't home when we took our annual first day of school photo.  Maddy is starting her Junior year, Makayla is now a Freshman, and Maxwell is in 2nd grade.  Kind of different for us - we don't have a junior high student!
We moved Mallory to college on my birthday.  A few tears were shed...  She then went on a portage boundary waters trip for 10 days.  She enjoyed it and learned a lot!  We went to see her on the official Freshmen move in day and enjoyed NWC's family picnic and opening chapel.  So great to have her at my Alma Mater!  We feel so blessed to her fairly close and at a Christ-based college. Also, her roommate is her friend from SC, Amber, and she will help to keep Mallory organized!  :)  Their dorm room looks so cute and they have air conditioning!  So spoiled!!  Hopefully their first day of classes went well!  Keep the prayers coming! 

Last, but not least, my mother has officially retired from her job as a nurse at the BVRMC after working there for 44 YEARS!!!  I just find that to be so amazing to work for the same employer in the same location your whole career - very rare, as she is!  The number of lives she has touched is something only God knows, but I know that it is many!  Calm under pressure, able to handle the variety of emergencies that have come her way, dependable to her colleagues and patients, and she is one who also treated her job as a mission field.  She has earned a much deserved break from the workforce - I hope that she enjoys this next stage of life!  We celebrated with her and the rest of the family and it was great to hear her tell some of her nurse stories and to hear the perspective of a career at its end. 

We are blessed to have you in our lives - thanks for the example you have shown!  We love you!!

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