Tuesday, August 26, 2014

44th Annual Threshermens Show

The favorite weekend of the year for Max and Makayla is Threshermens!  They love working, helping, eating, and just being around everyone at Threshermens.  That isn't to say the rest of us don't love it; we do, but they live and breathe it!  Max wishes we had it every weekend!  :)  He won the Pedal pull for the third time this year and is proud to show you his trophies.  Makayla and Max both helped to pitch bales - they worked up quite a sweat!  Makayla and Maddy both worked hard in the new pizza stand also.  We were so glad Carol was able to come this year!  Finally, it is so great to see our community come together to continue to honor the traditions of farming and our military history!


  1. Julie: I saw this link on Andrea Hogrefe's timeline and just wanted to let you know that a photo I took of Max on the wagon pitching oats won a contest in Farm-News! It should be published this week I believe. It also won a bit of a prize that I would like to give to Max since he worked SO hard that day! Where could I get in touch with you once they send me the prize money?
    Also - Here's a link to the photo: http://messenger.upickem.net/engine/Winners.aspx?PageType=WINNER&contestid=138550

  2. I saw the photo - love it! Congrats! You are a great photographer! My e-mail is juliebjork@gmail.com but you totally deserve the prize for your photography work! Max just loves Threshermens! Thanks for taking a photo of him!
