Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Makayla's Final Piano Recital

Makayla and the other students of Joanne Anderson and Trish Moe performed their recital pieces beautifully tonight!  Their practice and dedication was shown and appreciated by all.  Our girls have been blessed by Aunt Joanne's teaching just as I was as a girl...  Can't wait for Max to start!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Christ is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!  We are very thankful for Christ's sacrifice and His amazing, awesome gift of the promise of eternal life someday in heaven with Him if we accept His gift by faith!  We are also thankful for these four blessings He has loaned to us to raise and love.  Chad and I have enjoyed a week away together to celebrate our 20th anniversary and are continually reminded that each day is precious and His hand has led us faithfully and we trust He will continue to do so throughout the rest of our days... enjoy the day with all those who are precious to you and thank the Giver of your blessings!