Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rebel Cross Country Juniors!

Mallory, Gloria, Katie and Michelle are having a great year running Cross Country for the Rebels!  They have been improving their individual times with each meet.  Hard work pays off!  Proud of you girls!

New Nephew-Luther Robert!!

On August 27th, Luther Robert Hogrefe made his planned entrance in the world, but the day didn't quite go as planned as he had a helicopter ride to Sioux Falls and was in the NICU for two weeks with breathing difficulties.  Praise God he is home now with his family and doing great!  Welcome to the family Luther!  We love you!

Happy 12th Birthday Makayla!

My little smiley girl turned 12!  She is growing up and changing and learning her way around Junior High!  Always know you are greatly loved by your Savior and your family!

Junior High Volleyball!

Makayla has started Junior High Volleyball and is enjoying it!  She has a great serve!  They improve with each game!  Keep working hard and playing with a great attitude Makayla!

Happy 85th Birthday Aunt Evy!

Evy turned 85 on September 12th and we had a fun birthday celebration with her at her residence in Pocahontas.  She is pictured here with her nephews and great nieces and great nephews.  We wish you many more Evy!