Thursday, December 27, 2012


Mallory made this for me for Christmas!  So very precious to me!  She is a creative spirit with a tender heart!  My grandfather was very special to me and as we live in his home the memories stay fresh.  Today we are having our Christmas/Birthday special "fancy" (using our wedding china set with the kids for the first time!) meal and I am preparing duck stuffed with sauerkraut as my grandmother would.  It won't be nearly as good as hers, but the aroma that is filling the house is taking me back in time to all the amazing Christmases spent here.  I'm listening to my new Highwaymen (Cash, Jennings, Kristofferson, & Nelson) CDs that my bro gave me and they remind me so of my youth and of my grandfather and father.  The beautiful gently flowing snow is making the farm look so picturesque!  My heart is full of thanksgiving today!  Some days you have to take the time to remember and ponder what/who brought you to where you are now and praise the One who is behind the design of your personal tapestry of life!  Praise be to Jesus and thank you to all my family and friends who have invested part of their life with me and my family!  Enjoy this holiday time with those special to you!

Bjork Cousins!

Check out all the blonde Bjork kids!  So fun to have them closer and to see the relationships develop among all the kids!  Drew even is starting to know and remember all of us!  He was also somehow taught to say "Go Hawkeyes!".  He would revert back to his Cyclone roots when pressured however.  We'll keep working on him!  Great Christmas times!

Madelyn is 15!!

Our vivacious middle daughter is another year older today! She has spent the day repainting her room a fabulous shade of dark pink.  She is having fun designing her new "bedroom" (the former Hogrefe grandkids' toy room on the landing at the top of the stairs).  So now, they are each in their own room until they change their mind again... Back to Maddy-she is blossoming in high school and loving being a part of band/choir/speech/drama as well other clubs/church/honor roll.  She has been driving when she needs to go early to school and being very responsible!  We are very proud of her and hope she enjoys her fabulous birthday supper I'm making! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Makayla's Graduation from AC-T!

Yes, this is a little late... She graduated in May of this year. With having four kids, I do forget at times to always include the important photos for each child's milestones. Makayla has reminded me that I've forgotten her elementary school graduation numerous times; so finally, here is the pic! Orange and Black look great on her and they will always be our true colors! Hurricanes forever! So yes, now all our girls are officially "Rebels" at Sioux Central and Max and I are only ones still at AC-T!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 on 12/12/12!!

If only we had taken this photo at 12:12!!  :)  Makayla reminded me that I should've taken one of these photos every year starting with 1 on 1/1/1...  oh, well...  at least I took this one!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012!

The tree is up, Christmas music is playing in our house and vehicles and and we are starting to get excited for this season of remembering Christ's birth and fun family times!  The weather is beautiful but we do hope some snow makes it here by Christmas!  May this month be an encouraging time in your lives as you create more memories and know that you are all special to us!  Remember the Reason for the Season and that the Cradle leads to the Cross-the Ultimate Gift!