Sunday, November 24, 2013

Mallory's 18th Birthday Weekend!

Today is Mallory's birthday!  Wow...  We had a fantastic time in Des Moines with family and friends!  All the girls completed the Turkey Trot in freezing temperatures-they have many stories to share about the experience!  Enjoyed an amazing Thanksgiving meal today at Jason & Lindzy's-I'm still full! 

Mal-Thanks for the privilege of being your parents!  You are now an official adult!  The journey has just begun sweet girl!  We are excited to see what God has in store for your life and enjoy the rest of your Senior Year!

Keith Urban/Little Big Town Concert!!

Andrea, Aunt Carol, and I had an awesome time at the concert!  So glad to have been able to spend the weekend with them celebrating Andrea's birthday!  Loved talking and eating good food too-Machine Shed baby!!  Need to do it again sometime!


Max and Makayla had fun dressing up as different versions of Iron Man this year!

Fall Musical

Madelyn and Mallory were in cast of the Fall Musical of Smokey Joe's Cafe.  Everyone did a great job!  It was very entertaining to watch!  We are very proud of them and all the hard work it took to pull it off!  Congrats!

Homecoming Week!

Everyone enjoyed homecoming week!  Lots of costumes and activities-it was one of those whirlwind weeks!  Go Rebels!

Another Harvest

Max once again loved the harvest season!  Whatever he does with his grandfathers, he then has to replicate at home.  This is his version of harvesting corn on his blanket-his favorite toy ever!  He also loved riding with his cousins, Tony and Tim, to be able to share his knowledge with them.  He even got his dad to help a little bit in his "spare time".

Last Family Gathering at the Anderson House

It was a bittersweet evening... Sharing food, fellowship, and memories at my grandparents home.  It has been sold, so all who could gathered one last time.  We also celebrated Grandma Annette's birthday together.  It was an emotional night!  I will never forget my Christmas sleepovers and my many suppers with my grandparents after piano lessons.  Such a sweet blessing they have been to me.  So glad the children and their spouses were able to all be there one last time. 

Fall Sports

It's been awhile since I blogged, so here we go... Catch-up time!
Makayla and Mallory completed their seasons of volleyball and cross country.  They both enjoyed their teammates and the season!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hogrefe Hawkeye Weekend!

It was a long wait....  We hadn't been to a game in four years, and Maddy and Makayla had never been to a game.... But today was perfection!  Beautiful weather, fabulous food, a big win and great people to spend a day with!!!  How 'bout them Hawks?   I love it!  I love it!  I love it!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

13 on the 13th of 2013!!

Happy Golden Birthday to my Sweet Makayla! Our youngest daughter is now a teenager!  She brings me smiles and laughter everyday!  She always has a hug to give, baked goods to share, and a willingness to serve.  She is enjoying being in eighth grade and the friends she has made.  Hope you have a fantastic day and year my precious little girl! 

P.S.  The cow hat is a gift from Max!  :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

1st Day of School!

The day has come once again... This is the last time all four of my kids will be heading off to school together... This year they are in 1st, 8th, 10th, & 12th grades! Max was not allowing us to say the word 'school' yesterday, but today was pretty excited to go.  Prayers and support for them are always requested and we appreciate and need it! Excited to enjoy Mallory's senior year with her!  :)

Enjoy your school year kids! We love you!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

More Threshermen's Photos!

It is an occasion worthy of many photos!  Sure makes us thankful for the progress made over the years in agriculture as well as all the work that goes into the show each year... Enjoy!

Friday, August 9, 2013


Dad and Mom are the feature parade (Case IH) Grand Marshals this year!  There is a lot of RED equipment here!  Max just loves this weekend-could hardly wait!  He threshed and worked hard today and tomorrow is the pedal pull.  We enjoyed the buildings and the good food (homemade ice cream)!

Camping week!

So relaxing... We enjoyed our camper, the weather and a clear schedule for some downtime at Lake View.  Chad worked quite a bit, but did enjoy some bike riding as his six weeks recovery is now complete!  The kids loved thrift store shopping and swimming in Carroll also... Lots of fun!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Arnold's Park!

We enjoyed a fun day at Arnold's Park today!  Max had won a free pass last year and we finally made it up here...  Except for some minor motion sickness by a couple kids, we were blessed with mild temps,  fun food and mild crowds. The kids' favorite ride was the log ride-of course!  Terry Linder drew the kids in a caricature-I love it!  Only a month left till school...  Trying to continue to fill our children's hearts with memories!   :)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

More camping photos...

Bjork camping weekend!

Having a great time at Lake View during our annual Bjork camping weekend!  Maddy was the only person to catch a fish!   Thanks family for the fun time together! Looking forward to next year!