Saturday, May 18, 2013

Favorite tree!!

We came home from State Track to beautiful blossoms!   Grandma loved this tree and it makes us all think of her...  Smells amazing too!  God is such an awesome creator!  We even got Jasper to pose!  :)

Friday, May 17, 2013

State Track!!

Proud of the SC girls 4 x 100 team!  They ran a 52.13 and did awesome!  Fun day!!  Thanks to everyone who supported Mallory!  Senior year here we come....  :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

On to State!!

Mal qualified for state at Drake in the 4x100!  They also broke the school record with a time of 52.06! Cousin Trish is her assistant coach and held the previous record!  It was a great cold night!  Mal is so full of joy and excited to run at Drake!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Max is 7!

Had a fun day having lunch at Max's choice, Chinese.   Went bowling for his first time, it wasn't quite as easy as the Wii... Kayla made him a fun army cake! We love you Max!! Hope you enjoyed your day and we are all sad you are growing up too fast...