Saturday, July 20, 2013

Arnold's Park!

We enjoyed a fun day at Arnold's Park today!  Max had won a free pass last year and we finally made it up here...  Except for some minor motion sickness by a couple kids, we were blessed with mild temps,  fun food and mild crowds. The kids' favorite ride was the log ride-of course!  Terry Linder drew the kids in a caricature-I love it!  Only a month left till school...  Trying to continue to fill our children's hearts with memories!   :)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

More camping photos...

Bjork camping weekend!

Having a great time at Lake View during our annual Bjork camping weekend!  Maddy was the only person to catch a fish!   Thanks family for the fun time together! Looking forward to next year!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Max's Growth...

I had a request to put this together... so here it is!  Enjoy!  :)

Max Loves Summertime!

Blanket Farming

7 years old and still lives to farm on his brown soft blanket.  So many hours have been spent watching Max imitate his grandfathers in their farming activities. He takes it so seriously... I hope he never gets too old to enjoy it!

Corn Photo 2013

A little different year than years past...  Max is actually taller than most of the corn.  But as in years past, God is in control...  Thankfully!