Thursday, April 17, 2014

Soccer Season and New Puppy!

Max decided to try soccer this year and so far he is enjoying it!  He also loves spending time with his friends and that the team's color is ORANGE!  :)  So, Saturday mornings from last week until May 17th will be spent at Pocahontas watching soccer...  Does that officially make me a "Soccer Mom"?  ;)

Our beloved dog, Jasper, disappeared last December and I've missed my barking alerts when someone drives up as well as his loyalty and happy frolicking around our farm.  We decided to wait until spring to get another dog, so we added Riot to our family in late March.  He is half black lab and half golden retriever - and we love his disposition so far - very cute and fun!  The kids haven't had a puppy for many years - they are enjoying the experience! 

Track Season has begun!

Mallory's favorite season has begun - Track Season!  Our first meet was called off during the middle of it for cold!  But last Friday night was perfection - Cherokee (where we've had previous bad weather experiences!).  Sioux Central ended up winning the meet for their class and Mallory had a photo finish for the 4x100 - very cool!  Mallory has also signed with Northwestern College to run track there next year - she is excited!  I included our picture we took of her "signing" her letter of intent.  Congrats girl!

Christmas, Basketball, Drill Team, Spring Plays, and NHS!

Been a while since I've blogged...  This busy senior year is almost over!  Thought I would get caught up with some highlight photos from Christmas-now.  Hope this Easter weekend is joyous for everyone - remember Christ's sacrifice and his triumph over death!  CHRIST IS RISEN - HE IS RISEN INDEED!!

Mallory enjoyed her last year of basketball - sometimes spent more time on the floor than on her feet and had the bruises to prove it!  We loved to see her hustle and also sing the National Anthem with three other girls during most of the home games.

Maddy's first year of drill team was a new experience for her!  She has really enjoyed learning the dance moves and becoming very limber - she can even do the splits!  She is looking forward to next year and being able to perform full-time with the team.

Makayla loves basketball and is a great rebounder and post.  She was able to be part of a tournament team of four girls who won a tournament in Storm Lake!  They had a successful season and is anxious to begin high school basketball workouts this summer.

Maddy and Makayla both were in the Spring Plays for High School and Middle School.  They have quite the ability to ham it up in front of a crowd and make people laugh!  Maddy played a high school teacher who was in charge of a student election and Makayla played a "boy" who with "his" friends were reminiscing about their school year while looking at the Yearbook.  We were very proud of you both!  Your hard work and bravery is very admirable!

Madelyn also participated in Large Group and Individual speech and did a fabulous job - tearjerker performances!  You have a gift my girl!

Madelyn was also inducted in the National Honor Society - Mallory "pinned" her!  Very special!  We are proud of both of you and the academic success you have achieved!  Keep shining your light and doing what is right!  Congrats!