Thursday, May 27, 2010

Maddy's (and Kara's) 6th Grade Graduation!

Tonight was Maddy's AC-T graduation!  She is pictured with her BFF Kara.  It was a night where the tears flowed as usual - Mrs. Wenell started it with her touching speech about this class!  Maddy also gave a great speech, and gathered many awards for academics, TAG and Honor Choir; but I think she was most proud of her PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARD!  She always brags about her "superior immunity" to the rest of us....  She is usually the last one in the family to get sick if she ever does!  :)  Seriously, I was and am very proud of her - I will miss her being with me at AC-T, but I know Mallory will enjoy having her at Sioux-Central and will keep watch over her.  She is already known as Mallory's "Little" (not really) Sis!  Tomorrow is the last day of school!  Looking forward to spending a weekend with my family visiting my sister!  Then on to the BUSY month of June with multiple Softball games and Driver's Ed almost every day!

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