Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Tree Decorating 2011

Two weeks till Christmas-we are not ready; but we are getting in the spirit and remembering the reason for the season!  God Bless!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Vote for Mallory's Choir!

The Sioux Central High School Choir is a finalist in KICD's Holiday Idol Contest!  The winner of the contest will be the opening act for Tonic-Sol Fa on Saturday, December 10th in Spencer.  PLEASE VOTE!!!  You can vote by going to;; or - voting will take place November 28 - December 1.  This is a fabulous opportunity for the choir and we would appreciate your votes!  Please help spread the word and ask your family, friends and everyone you know to vote for us, too.  (You should be able to vote more than once). We certainly appreciate all of the support!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sweet Sixteen!!

The photo shows Max giving Mal his present-a snowglobe with their picture in it making their identical silly faces!  He also made her a special card that he was explaining to her.

16 years ago we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl.  She surprised us by arriving early and it has been a joy raising her and teaching her all these years.  We are so thankful this Thanksgiving Day especially for our precious Mallory MaeAnne.  We praise God for her and ask that He continue to lead and guide her through her life.  We love you Mal and are so proud of the young lady you have become! 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Annual Hogrefe Hawkeye Huddle!!

A great day!  Hawks win, food, family & fun!  Mal & Maddy won the bean bag toss tournament-they claim lefties have an advantage!  Thanks to our hosts-Gary & Julie!!  We look forward to this event every year!  Also, thanks to Chris & Stephanie for watching Max & Makayla!  Go Hawks!!  Beat Nebraska next week!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Omaha Weekend with Andrea!

Beautiful weather and a fun relaxing weekend!  We visited the Children's Museum and the outdoor Joslyn Art Museum.  Swimming and yummy eating was enjoyed also!  We appreciate spending time with Ann and a break from normalcy! 

Monday, October 31, 2011

State Cross Country Meet!

Saturday, we cheered on the Rebels at State Cross Country at Fort Dodge Kennedy Park.  The team finished 13th.  Congrats!!

Costume Time!

Max is Woody this year and Makayla is a nurse.  Beautiful day!!  I just love the colors of this season!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The KayMax Ranch

Makayla & Max have created a ranch in the living room on a fun Saturday at home....  does it get any better than this?  So sweet...  Go Hawks!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

God is Good!

Maddy came through surgery well!  The doctor determined that the bone was intact and not loose (best case scenario).  They did remove some inflamed scar tissue from the area.  She will have a short recovery time (4-6 weeks) and shouldn't have much if any physical therapy.  We hope that her pain will be alleviated and will have regained normal use of her arm. Spencer Hospital was good to us-Maddy thought everyone was so nice.  They just discharged her with pain meds and she will rest/recover this weekend.  Thanks for your prayers!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Maddy's Elbow Surgery

Maddy is having surgery tomorrow to treat her OCD Capitellum in her right elbow (thankfully she is left-handed!). They plan on either removing or securing (with a screw of sorts) her loose piece of bone in her elbow that is causing inflammation and pain. She's been battling this for several years now and we've done x-rays, two MRIs, months of therapy (to restore her flexibility in her arm as she had stopped straightening it over time), and rest from sports. The pain reoccurred when she started using her arm again and intensified with the volleyball season; so Dr. Deffer recommends corrective surgery. Friday (tomorrow) morning at 8:00 in Spencer, she is scheduled for her same-day surgery procedure. We don't know a lot of details other than she is being put under and they are going to have four entry points to insert the scope and determine the extent of her damage and fix it appropriately. She will have recovery and therapy following and we don't know her sports future as of now... The reason I'm blogging about this is because I know that mostly family and friends read this and I'm asking for prayer for Maddy and her Doctors tonight and tomorrow especially. She is fearful of the pain and the unknown as this is her first surgery - the first of any of our children. She is trusting in God to sustain her and wants to feel His peace during this time. Family and friends are a blessing to us and I'm asking for you to remember her in your prayers. I will update when I know more after her surgery. We are grateful people to Jesus and to you all...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Makayla's 11th Birthday Party

Makayla is enjoying her birthday party with Shera and Ashley!  They enjoyed a fun day including watching Dolphin Tale and the night has just begun!  Oh, the sweet moments and memories of time with girlfriends!  Makayla is blessed to have dear friends!

Happy 30th Tony!!

Surprise Party!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Incredible Day of Fun with the siblings!!  Go-Karts, Batting Cages & Food in Sioux Falls...  looking forward to the next one!!  Happy Late Birthday Bro!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Vacation in Tennessee!!

We had a great time in TN!  Loved being all together as a family and relaxing/rejuvenating!  The beach/pool was fabulous & our condo was awesome!  On our way home now via St. Louis then back to the real world of work/school...  We are so grateful we had this time TOGETHER!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011


This is Max's 3rd fish!  The girls have all caught fish too!  New hobby??

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Max & Leona

A boy & his cat...

Father's Day camping weekend at Lake View

Having a great time-it is beautiful here!  Happy Father's Day to my father, father-in-law and husband!  Celebrating Chad's 39th birthday also!  Happy Anniversary to my parents!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lake City (South Central Calhoun) Track Meet Champions!

Congrats to the Rebel girls on their first win this year!  The conference meet is on Monday at Laurens-they are trying for 11 conference championships in a row!  Then, District track is in Cherokee to see what we can qualify for state!  Mallory loves track and has been running 200s & 100s in the meets.  Keep striving towards the goal Rebels!

Honor Choir

Maddy participated in the Middle School Honor Choir this week at Spirit Lake. They sounded fabulous!  They sang three out of four Christian songs!  That was encouraging and uplifting!  The red piano was Elton John's (limited reproduction from Yamaha)! Can you find Maddy?  Hint:  back row!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Makayla's Piano Recital

She did great! Aunt Joanne does a great job teaching!  Max can't wait to start lessons!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Power of a Tornado!!

Max standing near Jim Murray's (lives 1.5 miles from our acreage) combine after the tornado of last Saturday destroyed it.  This ended up in the field across the road! Thank God no one was seriously hurt!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Maddy & her friends

Some of her basketball teammates with their crazy, wild hats!  They draw attention wherever they go!  They are very unique!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hogrefe Hawkeyes 2010

Hogrefe Hawkeyes 2010

Anderson Christmas

We traveled to Ames to have Christmas in an hotel - another first for us!  The kids enjoyed swimming and the girls went to the new Narnia movie with Andrea.  It was great to almost all be together - just a few family members were missing.  Excellent food & super fun!  Another incredible time for Max to play with yet more cousins!

Snow Day #2

Snow Day #1

Hogrefe Christmas!

We had a great time at my parents for both Hogrefe Christmases - Max so looks forward to playing Esther and all his cousins!  Makayla & Esther are buddies too...  Thanks for hosting & for the special Christmases Mom & Dad!

Bjork Christmas

Fun on the bus!  Max loves spending time with his cousins & Makayla is the greatest babysitter!  We had a great time at Jason & Lindzy's house - so nice to have them so much closer!  We traveled for Christmas - a new experience for us! 

Our Family Christmas!

More Christmas Concerts - Sioux Central