Thursday, October 13, 2011

Maddy's Elbow Surgery

Maddy is having surgery tomorrow to treat her OCD Capitellum in her right elbow (thankfully she is left-handed!). They plan on either removing or securing (with a screw of sorts) her loose piece of bone in her elbow that is causing inflammation and pain. She's been battling this for several years now and we've done x-rays, two MRIs, months of therapy (to restore her flexibility in her arm as she had stopped straightening it over time), and rest from sports. The pain reoccurred when she started using her arm again and intensified with the volleyball season; so Dr. Deffer recommends corrective surgery. Friday (tomorrow) morning at 8:00 in Spencer, she is scheduled for her same-day surgery procedure. We don't know a lot of details other than she is being put under and they are going to have four entry points to insert the scope and determine the extent of her damage and fix it appropriately. She will have recovery and therapy following and we don't know her sports future as of now... The reason I'm blogging about this is because I know that mostly family and friends read this and I'm asking for prayer for Maddy and her Doctors tonight and tomorrow especially. She is fearful of the pain and the unknown as this is her first surgery - the first of any of our children. She is trusting in God to sustain her and wants to feel His peace during this time. Family and friends are a blessing to us and I'm asking for you to remember her in your prayers. I will update when I know more after her surgery. We are grateful people to Jesus and to you all...

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