Thursday, December 27, 2012


Mallory made this for me for Christmas!  So very precious to me!  She is a creative spirit with a tender heart!  My grandfather was very special to me and as we live in his home the memories stay fresh.  Today we are having our Christmas/Birthday special "fancy" (using our wedding china set with the kids for the first time!) meal and I am preparing duck stuffed with sauerkraut as my grandmother would.  It won't be nearly as good as hers, but the aroma that is filling the house is taking me back in time to all the amazing Christmases spent here.  I'm listening to my new Highwaymen (Cash, Jennings, Kristofferson, & Nelson) CDs that my bro gave me and they remind me so of my youth and of my grandfather and father.  The beautiful gently flowing snow is making the farm look so picturesque!  My heart is full of thanksgiving today!  Some days you have to take the time to remember and ponder what/who brought you to where you are now and praise the One who is behind the design of your personal tapestry of life!  Praise be to Jesus and thank you to all my family and friends who have invested part of their life with me and my family!  Enjoy this holiday time with those special to you!

Bjork Cousins!

Check out all the blonde Bjork kids!  So fun to have them closer and to see the relationships develop among all the kids!  Drew even is starting to know and remember all of us!  He was also somehow taught to say "Go Hawkeyes!".  He would revert back to his Cyclone roots when pressured however.  We'll keep working on him!  Great Christmas times!

Madelyn is 15!!

Our vivacious middle daughter is another year older today! She has spent the day repainting her room a fabulous shade of dark pink.  She is having fun designing her new "bedroom" (the former Hogrefe grandkids' toy room on the landing at the top of the stairs).  So now, they are each in their own room until they change their mind again... Back to Maddy-she is blossoming in high school and loving being a part of band/choir/speech/drama as well other clubs/church/honor roll.  She has been driving when she needs to go early to school and being very responsible!  We are very proud of her and hope she enjoys her fabulous birthday supper I'm making! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Makayla's Graduation from AC-T!

Yes, this is a little late... She graduated in May of this year. With having four kids, I do forget at times to always include the important photos for each child's milestones. Makayla has reminded me that I've forgotten her elementary school graduation numerous times; so finally, here is the pic! Orange and Black look great on her and they will always be our true colors! Hurricanes forever! So yes, now all our girls are officially "Rebels" at Sioux Central and Max and I are only ones still at AC-T!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 on 12/12/12!!

If only we had taken this photo at 12:12!!  :)  Makayla reminded me that I should've taken one of these photos every year starting with 1 on 1/1/1...  oh, well...  at least I took this one!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012!

The tree is up, Christmas music is playing in our house and vehicles and and we are starting to get excited for this season of remembering Christ's birth and fun family times!  The weather is beautiful but we do hope some snow makes it here by Christmas!  May this month be an encouraging time in your lives as you create more memories and know that you are all special to us!  Remember the Reason for the Season and that the Cradle leads to the Cross-the Ultimate Gift!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hogrefe Cousins!

Thanksgiving time and the annual Christmas photo for the grandparents!  Luther's 1st year!!

Mallory is 17!!

Another year older with another birthday for our oldest!  We are so proud of you and all you are!!  Keep striving to be all God wants you to be and never lose your tender spirit or your dry sarcastic sense of humor!  We can't believe our little Thanksgiving baby is growing up to be such a beautiful woman from the inside out!  Enjoy your Junior year!  Adulthood is just around the corner!  We love you!

Turkey Trot-Year One!

Chad, Mallory, Bart (Lindzy's Bro), Jason, and Lindzy enjoyed (survived!) the Turkey Trot held at the Living History Farms on November 17th.  The crowds, traffic, mud, and costumes made lots of memories!  Rumor has it they will recruit Maddy for next year!  We enjoyed the Bjork Thanksgiving later that day-very fun weekend!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Max & The Princess Tent

Max will maybe not appreciate this picture in the future, but he has enjoyed sleeping in his sister's princess tent for the past week or so....  except for the night he couldn't find the zipper to get himself out to go to the bathroom... but he learns from his mistakes and just doesn't zip the door anymore!  So cute!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

"Our Town"

Maddy performed the role of the Stage Manager (not what you might assume-its a lead role) in the Sioux Central production of "Our Town" tonight and last night.  Everyone involved did an amazing job!  They spent many hours preparing and rehearsing for this and their efforts paid off!  Congrats to all and we are so very proud of Maddy and all the lines she learned and performed so beautifully!  What a memorizing brain God has blessed her with!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Max's Kindergarten Year Costume!

Are you surprised? Yes, he was a farmer... I suppose you can argue that it really wasn't a costume! Just his normal work clothes! He did get to add his hat, cell phone (fake!), and pliers to his normal t-shirt, jeans, and boots. And, since he couldn't drive a real tractor in the gym (although he would argue that he could), he drove his remote controlled John Deere tractor while it pulled a chisel plow. He is wearing a Case t-shirt so he is again, pleasing both sides of the family! At least he has given up his Massey Ferguson temporary obsession! He collected lots of candy last night and enjoyed being semi-independent since this was Makayla's first year of not doing it so Max was walking up to the doors by himself for the most part. It was a beautiful night!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ready to Farm!

Max loves Saturdays!  Packs his lunch, gets all his accessories and he is ready for the day!

Cross Country Running @ 32 degrees!!

Can you say freezing?  How about insane???  We are cold!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rebel Cross Country Juniors!

Mallory, Gloria, Katie and Michelle are having a great year running Cross Country for the Rebels!  They have been improving their individual times with each meet.  Hard work pays off!  Proud of you girls!

New Nephew-Luther Robert!!

On August 27th, Luther Robert Hogrefe made his planned entrance in the world, but the day didn't quite go as planned as he had a helicopter ride to Sioux Falls and was in the NICU for two weeks with breathing difficulties.  Praise God he is home now with his family and doing great!  Welcome to the family Luther!  We love you!

Happy 12th Birthday Makayla!

My little smiley girl turned 12!  She is growing up and changing and learning her way around Junior High!  Always know you are greatly loved by your Savior and your family!

Junior High Volleyball!

Makayla has started Junior High Volleyball and is enjoying it!  She has a great serve!  They improve with each game!  Keep working hard and playing with a great attitude Makayla!

Happy 85th Birthday Aunt Evy!

Evy turned 85 on September 12th and we had a fun birthday celebration with her at her residence in Pocahontas.  She is pictured here with her nephews and great nieces and great nephews.  We wish you many more Evy!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sister moved back home!!

My sister, (shown here with Daughtry) has moved back home to a cute little house and is working at AC-T.  We love getting able to see her more and are happy to have her more a part of our daily lives!!  The kids are thrilled!!  Thank you sis for all you are!!  We love you!!

20th Anniversary!!

It is amazing to think that 20 years ago I married my best friend!  God wrote our love story and has continued to author our journey through many blessings and struggles.  He continues to mold us and enrich our marriage; we are so thankful for His guidance as well as the excellent examples we have around us to model our marriage after.  To my husband... love you always & forever... thanks for the commitment you have made to me and our family!  So excited to see what the next 20 years will bring!

1st Day of School!!

Well... here we go again!!  Mallory is now a Junior, Madelyn is a Freshman (they even have some classes together!), Makayla is a 7th grader (1st year at SC), and Max is in Kindergarten at AC-T.  Pray for them!


Max loved the Thresherman show again this year and loved being able to have a chance to thresh!  He is helping Brady here in this photo...  he worked hard - just ask him!!

Vacation in Pagosa Springs!

We had an incredible vacation this year at Pagosa Springs, CO!  We went with my parents and enjoyed the majesty of God's creation!  Relaxing, horseback riding, four-wheeling, swimming, shopping, eating and Olympics watching filled our days...  wish we could go back!!  Thanks mom & dad!!

End of an Era...

My father and I have enjoyed coaching the three girls from Tee Ball all the way through Little League.  Many fun years and memories of winning and losing in all kinds of weather, with some great players and their supportive parents.  A few tournament championships and many lessons learned along the way...  Thank you dad for investing your life in my daughters and their teammates; to help them to love softball and to learn life lessons from the game.  I know my girls all have memories of getting to 3rd base and listening to advice from you on how to get home safely.  I hope they always continue to listen to guidance from Grandpa Denny (aka Father Hogue)!  With all the girls moving up to Rebel Softball, Max is our last little Hurricane!  He loved playing for the first time this year!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Fun Camping at Lake View!!

While Mallory and Maddy were at Challenge in New Orleans, we camped in Lake View for a week.  Chad still worked everyday and came to us in the evenings.  We enjoyed swimming, biking, and jet skiing as well as camper life for a change of pace.

Softball Sisters!

The two groups of sisters on the Rebel Softball team this season:  Natalie & Gloria Jensen along with Mallory & Madelyn Bjork.  Natalie graduated and will be missed next year; but we will always remember her incredible over the fence home run this season!!

Boys & their Bikes

Chad and Max love to ride their bikes together!  Max does really well for being only 6; his best ride so far is over 8 miles!!  

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Max's 1st NTPA Tractor Pull!

Max enjoyed the tractors and semis at the Buena Vista County Fair! He didn't like the noise so much, but was glad for ear protection!  He even got a free t-shirt!  He's been alone all week with his sisters at camp.  He is anxious for two of them to come home tomorrow...  The tractor he is standing in front of is Jeff Demers' Smokin' Hot Deere.  Fun night!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Annual Corn Photo!

Max is sure growing as well as the corn!  Could really use some rain soon...  God will provide!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

6th Birthday!!

Max has enjoyed another birthday!  It has been quite the day... his energy never stops!  He can't wait to celebrate with his cousin Esther tonight!  He is growing up so fast....

Friday, May 4, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Makayla's Final Piano Recital

Makayla and the other students of Joanne Anderson and Trish Moe performed their recital pieces beautifully tonight!  Their practice and dedication was shown and appreciated by all.  Our girls have been blessed by Aunt Joanne's teaching just as I was as a girl...  Can't wait for Max to start!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Christ is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!  We are very thankful for Christ's sacrifice and His amazing, awesome gift of the promise of eternal life someday in heaven with Him if we accept His gift by faith!  We are also thankful for these four blessings He has loaned to us to raise and love.  Chad and I have enjoyed a week away together to celebrate our 20th anniversary and are continually reminded that each day is precious and His hand has led us faithfully and we trust He will continue to do so throughout the rest of our days... enjoy the day with all those who are precious to you and thank the Giver of your blessings!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

On to State History Day!!

Makayla & Carter Beckman presented their documentary on Carrie Chapman Catt for the District History Day at Okoboji and advanced to State!  Shera Smith & Gabby Long (also in the group) were unable to attend the competition.  Congrats on all your hard work!!  We are proud of you!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hidden Acres Fun!

We had our annual All-Church Retreat a few weeks ago and the kids loved spending time there with their friends!  We were richly blessed to hear Frank and Marie Drown speak again on their experiences serving as missionaries in Equador.  God bless them!

Family Photo

We had our family photos taken for the first time last year by Susan Oehlertz Photography.  She did an amazing job!

Chad & Tim driving race cars at the DFS Christmas Party!

They loved trying to win and racing with the RC cars-fun night!

Max's first Hogrefe gag gift!

Max loved to ride with cousin Tony during harvest and he  especially loved to eat his beef jerky!!  Tony better stock up for the next harvest; Max is a growing boy!

Winter Concerts

Jazz Band, Show Choir, Concert Band, Women's Choir, Pep Band, Choir, Singing the National Anthem for Home Sports Events and the list goes on for Mallory and Maddy

Max's football future??

Max says that he doesn't want to play football because he doesn't want to get hurt and he doesn't like the pants they wear... we'll see what his future holds