Thursday, November 1, 2012

Max's Kindergarten Year Costume!

Are you surprised? Yes, he was a farmer... I suppose you can argue that it really wasn't a costume! Just his normal work clothes! He did get to add his hat, cell phone (fake!), and pliers to his normal t-shirt, jeans, and boots. And, since he couldn't drive a real tractor in the gym (although he would argue that he could), he drove his remote controlled John Deere tractor while it pulled a chisel plow. He is wearing a Case t-shirt so he is again, pleasing both sides of the family! At least he has given up his Massey Ferguson temporary obsession! He collected lots of candy last night and enjoyed being semi-independent since this was Makayla's first year of not doing it so Max was walking up to the doors by himself for the most part. It was a beautiful night!

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