Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hogrefe Cousins!

Thanksgiving time and the annual Christmas photo for the grandparents!  Luther's 1st year!!

Mallory is 17!!

Another year older with another birthday for our oldest!  We are so proud of you and all you are!!  Keep striving to be all God wants you to be and never lose your tender spirit or your dry sarcastic sense of humor!  We can't believe our little Thanksgiving baby is growing up to be such a beautiful woman from the inside out!  Enjoy your Junior year!  Adulthood is just around the corner!  We love you!

Turkey Trot-Year One!

Chad, Mallory, Bart (Lindzy's Bro), Jason, and Lindzy enjoyed (survived!) the Turkey Trot held at the Living History Farms on November 17th.  The crowds, traffic, mud, and costumes made lots of memories!  Rumor has it they will recruit Maddy for next year!  We enjoyed the Bjork Thanksgiving later that day-very fun weekend!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Max & The Princess Tent

Max will maybe not appreciate this picture in the future, but he has enjoyed sleeping in his sister's princess tent for the past week or so....  except for the night he couldn't find the zipper to get himself out to go to the bathroom... but he learns from his mistakes and just doesn't zip the door anymore!  So cute!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

"Our Town"

Maddy performed the role of the Stage Manager (not what you might assume-its a lead role) in the Sioux Central production of "Our Town" tonight and last night.  Everyone involved did an amazing job!  They spent many hours preparing and rehearsing for this and their efforts paid off!  Congrats to all and we are so very proud of Maddy and all the lines she learned and performed so beautifully!  What a memorizing brain God has blessed her with!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Max's Kindergarten Year Costume!

Are you surprised? Yes, he was a farmer... I suppose you can argue that it really wasn't a costume! Just his normal work clothes! He did get to add his hat, cell phone (fake!), and pliers to his normal t-shirt, jeans, and boots. And, since he couldn't drive a real tractor in the gym (although he would argue that he could), he drove his remote controlled John Deere tractor while it pulled a chisel plow. He is wearing a Case t-shirt so he is again, pleasing both sides of the family! At least he has given up his Massey Ferguson temporary obsession! He collected lots of candy last night and enjoyed being semi-independent since this was Makayla's first year of not doing it so Max was walking up to the doors by himself for the most part. It was a beautiful night!