Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Less than 10 days till Christmas!

Since the last time...

Mal & Maddy both had fun playing in their tourneys on Saturday - had some great moments and some learning experiences! Mal is finding her groove with some great attacks to the basket and really hustling after rebounds and steals. She was high scorer last night against Newell-Fonda (she had half of their points - 3 of the 6!) Not quite something to brag about... :( Maddy scored a lot of points in her first tourney - her height is quite an advantage as well as being left-handed! She was quite tired after that day! The Christmas program was wonderful - Maddy had a solo part and sang beautifully. Makayla and Mallory also read and sang well. Went to a surprise 39th birthday/congrats on being elected Mayor party for Chris on Sat. night - he was quite surprised! Stephanie got him early! AC-T held a retirement party for Dr. Lode yesterday - it was funny and special. He will be missed by us all. Happy retirement and Go Hawks, Dr. Lode! We have another game tomorrow at Alta, concert in the pm at S-C and our first Christmas on Saturday at the Bjorks! I'm really trying to be ready for all the Christmases, but I'm not quite there yet... Don't worry, a few late nights and some last minute runs to SL will probably fix my problem! I am looking very forward to spending time with family and slowing down the pace for a few days! Hopefully Chad will be able to soon - he's been working like a maniac since the DFS fire - we all could use some time with him! Well, till next time... -J

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