Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday at the Bjork House

Well, as a recap...
Saturday the tournament was cancelled, so Mallory & Chad spent the day working on our church's new skating rink - a cold job! It will be pretty cool for kids and adults to be able to utilize it and to spend time together fellowshipping as well as for outreach. Maddy really enjoyed basketball practice again - they are participating in a 3 on 3 tourney next Saturday (Mallory has a tourney too - and so it begins...). Enjoyed a date with my husband Sat. night at our favorite restaurant - Boz Wells! Disappointed that we couldn't have our favorite dessert, (double coconut cream pie) but life goes on! Sunday we attended worship services and Sunday School and then enjoyed a traditional big Sunday Dinner that the girls and I made. I always treasure these meals as some weeks it is the only meal we have together as a family. Then it was naps for all and then Chad & I attended HBF at the Archers. All and all a pretty great weekend! Wondering how the snow will develop as this week is a busy one! I think there is something every night as well as appointments and/or work each day! Crazy! And of course, the usual invoicing, payroll, and bills to pay as well as the paperwork that accompanies all of that! But, I am thankful that I have two days each week to help devote to this. It still seems that I end up staying up late to get work done - it is the most quiet and no one needs me at this hour! :) Well, no promises of a daily entry, but will try to keep some sort of schedule or routine! I'm definitely not used to being open with my thoughts, but am trying to not be quite so isolated in my own world. Favorite verse of the day: Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on the things that are on earth. Something I need to keep at the forefront of my brain amidst the chaos! Back to work!

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